We bring people together through unique experiences
involving Theatre and Social practices.

Meet the team
Yasemin Collective formed in 2020 by Natalia Panagiotou, Despina Chrysanthou and Annie Sofocleous, based in Nicosia, Cyprus. Since its creation, Yasemin Collective provides a strong ground for building meaningful community connections through authentic, artistic and social experiences.
To this day, Yasemin produced divised and documentary theatre, immersive, circus, clown, stand - up comedy performances such as: #kazanτί (2020), People of Faneromeni (2021), The New Reality Show (2021), Nat in da House (2021), The Magic Circle (2022), #tombολα (2022), La Patronne (2023), Kiki and Koko go loco (2024). The team's actions revolve equally around an artistic as well as social level. Yasemin is very active in leading and facilitating Theatre-based interventions/workshops/trainings for diverse groups aiming for personal and community development, inclusivity and social impact.